Reverend Chip
JoinedPosts by Reverend Chip
New forum: one month progress report
by Simon inwell, we survived the first month at least!
yes, the new forum is now 1 month old.. of course there have been some issues and i'm grateful that people have been patient while i worked on them.
a big thank-you to everyone who's been patient, have provided useful feedback or just been willing to adapt to something new during the transition.. i've also made some improvements along the way and am fairly happy with how things are from a basic functionality and performance perspective so it's time to start looking at some of the new features i've been planning.
A reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging
by thetrueone injust caught this short video of christopher hitchens in a debate involving religious theology and i thought.
how close it came to the jw theology and its own inherent sociological and psychological damage that it causes.
Reverend Chip
You distract with half truths. The facts are simple: You claimed Hitchens was ignorant in a specific matter: the bible's contents. Challenged to prove this scurrilous allegation, you distract with irrelevancies. And you do it twice, rather than admit your direct obvious error.
Coward or liar? You are one.
Rev Wright. off the
by tootired2care intake a look at this.
it's hard to imagine that leader of the free world; mr. obama sat and listened to this lunatics teachings for 20 years.
what trustworthy person would listen and accept this blatent nonsense for 20 years?.
A reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging
by thetrueone injust caught this short video of christopher hitchens in a debate involving religious theology and i thought.
how close it came to the jw theology and its own inherent sociological and psychological damage that it causes.
Reverend Chip
" It's wrong to think of the YHWH/Christ character as morally inferior to scientific morality."
Move the goalposts much? You called Hitchens ignorant! Put up or retract!
Meanwhile, enjoy this free response to the distraction you offered instead of an answer:
"Now, let’s take a case of someone who’s been dealt a bad hand: what about Fraulein Friesel in Austria whose father kept her in a dungeon where she didn’t see daylight for twenty-four years and came down most nights to rape and to sodomize her, often in front of the children…
"I want you just to take a moment to—since you’re so interested in the downtrodden and the helpless—imagine how she must have begged him. Imagine how she must have pleaded. Imagine for how long. Imagine how she must of prayed everyday, how she must have beseeched Heaven. Imagine, for twenty-four years.
"And no. No answer at all. Nothing! No-thing! NOTHING! Imagine how those children must have felt. Now, you say, ‘That’s all right that she went through that, because she’ll get a better deal in another life.’ I ask you if you can be morally or ethically serious… And Heaven did watch it with indifference, because it knows that that score will later on be settled. So it was well worth her going through it — she’ll have a better time next time. I don’t see how you can look anyone—ANYONE—-in the face, or live with yourself and say anything so hideously, wickedly immoral as that, or even imply it."
-- Christopher Hitchens
A reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging
by thetrueone injust caught this short video of christopher hitchens in a debate involving religious theology and i thought.
how close it came to the jw theology and its own inherent sociological and psychological damage that it causes.
Reverend Chip
" he seems to be completely ignorant to what the Bible says"
Boy, you really haven't listened to Hitchens much, have you?